
BEE Transformation Solutions (Pty) Ltd verify the BEE initiatives of the business as contemplated in the Act and the Codes of Good Practice or any other applicable charter codes and issue the business with a verification report and verification certificate in respect of its BEE status levels. The verification report and verification certificate are based on, and adhere to, the requirements prescribed in the BBBEE Act, the Codes of Good Practice and Sector Codes.

BEE Transformation Solutions (Pty) Ltd ensure that the verification is performed in an accurate, complete and objective manner.

Steps of Services:

  1. Upon receipt of an application to be verified, a verification process will be performed at the premises of the Measured Entity.
  2. A systematic and thorough evaluation of BEE elements are undertaken to determine the BEE compliance level of the Business.
  3. Our independent verification managers analyse the verification process upon which the BBBEE certificate will then be approved.